Recent feedback from Lorraine, one of my students. I told her that hearing this made my heart sing as it is exactly what Tai Chi for Health programmes are for! Shared with her permission: 

“Hi Morag. I have just had a rheumatology check up. The consultant was amazed at my mobility given that I have psoriatic arthritis. I explained that I do 2 tai chi classes per week and she said "ah, that's why you are so mobile, tai chi is wonderful for your condition. Keep doing what you are doing.". You and I knew this already, but it's nice that the consultant endorsed it I think. She made no changes to my meds and I have to back in a year. Given that my condition is progressive, I think this is a great result for tai chi! Xx”

Dr Paul Lam’s Tai Chi for Health forms are medically proven through numerous international studies 

These offer numerous benefits for many long term and chronic conditions, with specially devised forms which are specifically beneficial for all types of Arthritis, Fall Prevention, Diabetes, Osteoporosis,  Rehabilitation after illness, Energy  etc.  Contact me to find out more.